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- " VIM syntax file
- " Language: nroff / groff
- " Maintainer: Jérôme Plût <Jerome.Plut@ens.fr>
- " URL: http://www.eleves.ens.fr:8080/home/plut/nroff.vim
- " Last Change: 2001 May 10
- "
- " {{{1 Preamble
- " groff (GNU troff) behaves slightly differently from groff; it allows
- " long names being specified between brackets: for instance, \[hy] is
- " equivalent to \(hy.
- " This file handle both syntaxes, depending on the value of 'filetype'.
- " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
- " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
- if version < 600
- syntax clear
- elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
- finish
- endif
- if exists("nroff_space_errors")
- syn match nroffError /\s\+$/
- endif
- " {{{1 Escape sequences
- " ------------------------------------------------------------
- syn match nroffEscChar /\\[CN]/ nextgroup=nroffEscCharArg
- syn match nroffEscape /\\[*gnYV]/ nextgroup=nroffEscRegPar,nroffEscRegArg
- syn match nroffEscape /\\s[+-]\=/ nextgroup=nroffSize
- syn match nroffEscape /\\[$AbDfhlLRvxXZ]/ nextgroup=nroffEscPar,nroffEscArg
- syn match nroffEscRegArg /./ contained
- syn match nroffEscRegArg2 /../ contained
- syn match nroffEscRegPar /(/ contained nextgroup=nroffEscRegArg2
- syn match nroffEscArg /./ contained
- syn match nroffEscArg2 /../ contained
- syn match nroffEscPar /(/ contained nextgroup=nroffEscArg2
- syn match nroffSize /\((\d\)\=\d/ contained
- syn region nroffEscCharArg start=/'/ end=/'/ contained
- syn region nroffEscArg start=/'/ end=/'/ contained contains=nroffEscape,@nroffSpecial
- if exists("b:nroff_is_groff")
- syn region nroffEscRegArg matchgroup=nroffEscape start=/\[/ end=/\]/ contained oneline
- syn region nroffSize matchgroup=nroffEscape start=/\[/ end=/\]/ contained
- endif
- syn match nroffEscape /\\[adprtu{}]/
- syn match nroffEscape /\\$/
- syn match nroffEscape /\\\$[@*]/
- " {{{1 Strings and special characters
- " ------------------------------------------------------------
- syn match nroffSpecialChar /\\[\\eE?!-]/
- syn match nroffSpace "\\[&%~|^0)/,]"
- syn match nroffSpecialChar /\\(../
- if exists("b:nroff_is_groff")
- syn match nroffSpecialChar /\\\[[^]]*]/
- syn region nroffPreserve matchgroup=nroffSpecialChar start=/\\?/ end=/\\?/ oneline
- endif
- syn region nroffPreserve matchgroup=nroffSpecialChar start=/\\!/ end=/$/ oneline
- syn cluster nroffSpecial contains=nroffSpecialChar,nroffSpace
- syn region nroffString start=/"/ end=/"/ skip=/\\$/ contains=nroffEscape,@nroffSpecial contained
- syn region nroffString start=/'/ end=/'/ skip=/\\$/ contains=nroffEscape,@nroffSpecial contained
- " {{{1 Numbers and units
- " ------------------------------------------------------------
- syn match nroffNumBlock /[0-9.]\a\=/ contained contains=nroffNumber
- syn match nroffNumber /\d\+\(\.\d*\)\=/ contained nextgroup=nroffUnit,nroffBadChar
- syn match nroffNumber /\.\d\+)/ contained nextgroup=nroffUnit,nroffBadChar
- syn match nroffBadChar /./ contained
- syn match nroffUnit /[icpPszmnvMu]/ contained
- " {{{1 Requests
- " ------------------------------------------------------------
- " Requests begin with . or ' at the beginning of a line, or after .if or
- " .ie.
- syn match nroffReqLeader /^[.']/ nextgroup=nroffReqName skipwhite
- syn match nroffReqLeader /[.']/ contained nextgroup=nroffReqName skipwhite
- if exists("b:nroff_is_groff")
- " GNU troff allows long request names
- syn match nroffReqName /[^\t \\\[?]\+/ contained nextgroup=nroffReqArg
- else
- syn match nroffReqName /[^\t \\\[?]\{1,2}/ contained nextgroup=nroffReqArg
- endif
- syn region roffReqArg start=/\S/ skip=/\\$/ end=/$/ contained contains=nroffEscape,@nroffSpecial,nroffString,nroffError,nroffNumBlock,nroffComment
- " {{{2 Conditional: .if .ie .el
- syn match nroffReqName /\(if\|ie\)/ contained nextgroup=nroffCond skipwhite
- syn match nroffReqName /el/ contained nextgroup=nroffReqLeader skipwhite
- syn match nroffCond /\S\+/ contained nextgroup=nroffReqLeader skipwhite
- " {{{2 String definition: .ds .as
- syn match nroffReqname /[da]s/ contained nextgroup=nroffDefIdent skipwhite
- syn match nroffDefIdent /\S\+/ contained nextgroup=nroffDefinition skipwhite
- syn region nroffDefinition matchgroup=nroffSpecialChar start=/"/ matchgroup=NONE end=/\\"/me=e-2 skip=/\\$/ start=/\S/ end=/$/ contained contains=nroffDefSpecial
- syn match nroffDefSpecial /\\$/ contained
- syn match nroffDefSpecial /\\\((.\)\=./ contained
- if exists("b:nroff_is_groff")
- syn match nroffDefSpecial /\\\[[^]]*]/ contained
- endif
- " {{{2 Macro definition: .de .am, also diversion: .di
- syn match nroffReqName /\(d[ei]\|am\)/ contained nextgroup=nroffIdent skipwhite
- syn match nroffIdent /[^[?( \t]\+/ contained
- if exists("b:nroff_is_groff")
- syn match nroffReqName /als/ contained nextgroup=nroffIdent skipwhite
- endif
- " {{{2 Register definition: .rn .rr
- syn match nroffReqName /[rn]r/ contained nextgroup=nroffIdent skipwhite
- if exists("b:nroff_is_groff")
- syn match nroffReqName /\(rnn\|aln\)/ contained nextgroup=nroffIdent skipwhite
- endif
- " {{{1 eqn/tbl/pic
- " ------------------------------------------------------------
- " XXX: write proper syntax highlight for eqn / tbl / pic ?
- syn region nroffEquation start=/^\.\s*EQ/ end=/^\.\s*EN/
- syn region nroffTable start=/^\.\s*TB/ end=/^\.\s*TE/
- syn region nroffPicture start=/^\.\s*PB/ end=/^\.\s*PE/
- " ------------------------------------------------------------
- syn region nroffIgnore start=/^[.']\s*ig/ end=/^['.]\s*\./
- syn match nroffComment /\(^[.']\s*\)\=\\".*/ contains=nroffTodo
- syn match nroffComment /^'''.*/ contains=nroffTodo
- if exists("b:nroff_is_groff")
- syn match nroffComment "\\#.*$" contains=nroffTodo
- endif
- syn keyword nroffTodo TODO XXX FIXME contained
- " {{{1 Hilighting
- " ------------------------------------------------------------
- " Define the default highlighting.
- " For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
- " For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
- if version >= 508 || !exists("did_nroff_syn_inits")
- if version < 508
- let did_nroff_syn_inits = 1
- command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
- else
- command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
- endif
- HiLink nroffEscChar nroffSpecialChar
- HiLink nroffEscCharAr nroffSpecialChar
- HiLink nroffSpecialChar SpecialChar
- HiLink nroffSpace Delimiter
- HiLink nroffEscRegArg2 nroffEscRegArg
- HiLink nroffEscRegArg nroffIdent
- HiLink nroffEscArg2 nroffEscArg
- HiLink nroffEscPar nroffEscape
- HiLink nroffEscRegPar nroffEscape
- HiLink nroffEscArg nroffEscape
- HiLink nroffSize nroffEscape
- HiLink nroffEscape Preproc
- HiLink nroffIgnore Comment
- HiLink nroffComment Comment
- HiLink nroffTodo Todo
- HiLink nroffReqLeader nroffRequest
- HiLink nroffReqName nroffRequest
- HiLink nroffRequest Statement
- HiLink nroffCond PreCondit
- HiLink nroffDefIdent nroffIdent
- HiLink nroffIdent Identifier
- HiLink nroffEquation PreProc
- HiLink nroffTable PreProc
- HiLink nroffPicture PreProc
- HiLink nroffNumber Number
- HiLink nroffBadChar nroffError
- HiLink nroffError Error
- HiLink nroffPreserve String
- HiLink nroffString String
- HiLink nroffDefinition String
- HiLink nroffDefSpecial Special
- delcommand HiLink
- endif
- " I recommend using for nroffDefinition an highlight that shows spaces,
- " since nroff includes them in the string, for instance:
- " hi def nroffDefinition term=italic cterm=italic gui=reverse
- " hi def nroffDefSpecial term=italic,bold cterm=italic,bold gui=reverse,bold
- let b:current_syntax = "nroff"
- " }}}1
- " vim: set ts=8 sw=2:
- " vim600: set fdm=marker fdl=2: